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A gentleman thief in search of common sense.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Poorly planned.....perhaps.

Okay, so I hardly post on my Blog at all excuses being both reasonable and not. Now I make a quick reappearance, only so I can inform people that I am likely not going to be posting anytime soon.

Long story short, my apartment is finally all back together, AND! I have unpacked everything and gotten my Lego set up and ready to be built with!!!

So there you go, as reasonable of an excuse as you are likely to get. I will be building to BrickCon, and will not have time to write stuff here. There you go, perfectly legal excuse to vanish and not feel guilty.

I feel guilty.

On a side note, the landlord was quite good in getting everything repaired and eating the bill (probably close to a grand, all told). He came over the other night, to make sure it was all up and running, and asked if I would be willing to pay anything. He said it was up to me, that I didn't have to, but that it wasn't his fault, and it was a lot of cash. I thought about it, and decided that in the end, I would give him a bit of money. Not much, nothing to dent any plans of mine. But something. I feel it was a worthy cause. I had no obligation, but I think that it was money well placed. And I did my bit of charity for the year.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It seems fated.

Well, just when the bones tournament was over, I was almost finished unpacking, life was getting back into a routine, and I was about ready to start building for BrickCon. And then the washing machine broke and flooded water all over my apartment. And now my floor is torn up, my possessions stacked haphazardly in a corner, and I am spending the nights at my parents. I guess it has just been fated that I will not get any sort of head start on building. If I am lucky, mid to late next week I will be able to start, though knowing me, I suspect it might not be until the beginning of September. Which is all right I guess, I mean, that’s when I started last year. However, last year I only built one 32 stud by 64 stud creation. This time I am building way more. I actually have some ideas this year, and it's really, really, REALLY annoying that I can't get at it, since I actually have the urge to build.

And the urge to build doesn't come all that often to me. I need to capitalize on it when it comes. But I can't! All because of that (insert words not commonly spoken in polite society) washing machine. If only I had gotten up off the couch earlier.......oh well.

So yeah, this is another reason why blog posts will be, and have been, in short supply. I spent the first night after the flood at my place, but it was a lousy, very lousy night. Between just thinking about it, and the fan that the guys had put in to dry it out, and everything, well, I was a zombie at work. Last night and tonight I spent at my parents, because I just couldn’t stand staying at my place, and I needed a real rest. Of course this means a 40 minute commute to work. And my truck is almost ready for its oil change, and all this extra traveling is going to make it happen sooner. And I am going to get a guy to show me how to actually change it, but if it were closer to BrickCon, so that when I make the trip, the truck is in peak condition, it would be better. Which reminds me, I have to get the guys at the shop to fix my steering wheel, which always goes a bit to the right, I think. It’s funny though, on the way back home tonight, it was windy enough that it almost balanced out the problem. Okay, end ramble.

Now, I must go and pace frantically until the floor is repaired.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Is it too late?

It would appear that I haven't posted in this here blog for awhile. Evidently. Yeah.

IN my defense, things happened. For one, my phone company is the biggest waste of space ever to haunt this galaxy. I was without the net for something like a week or two. Then there was the bunnock tournament, and I am still unpacking (let us hope I finish in time for my sister's arrival), hmmm, and there must be some other excuse for my silence.

I guess this is just proof that once one gets out of the habit of doing something, it can be hard to get back into. Which is strange since you would think habits are the easiest thing in the world to return to. I guess writing this blog isn't a habit, so much as something I have to force myself to do on a basis of dubious regularity. Yeah, if this was a habit, I don't think it would have been a month between posts. Still, with this post, let us hope that the dubiousness of the regularity goes down somewhat.

So, with all the excuses out of the way, lets figure out what to make this post about.




There's this I guess: Lego Star Trek funny movie that I got randomly linked.



Well I guess one brother did want to know some stuff as what’s happening at the new place, with the move and all. I dunno, not much to say. I really hate talking about my place, partly because that’s all I seem to end up talking about, and partly because I really don't like the place. So for any relatives, they can wait until we meet in person to talk. To any non-relations, I guess you'll just be in the dark. Sorry.

I will say this though. My Lego room, is almost ready. All the furniture is set up, and most of the containers have been given their places. I can't wait until I can build again, I have been most eager (well some eager anyway) and with Brickcon approaching far too quickly, I really, really need to get building. I have nothing built, and little over a month to build it.

Crap! I need to go and get at it.

Expect a real post some other time.